

E-commerce FAQs - Wawbiz


Yes, you can import the complete data in bulk, directly into your new Wawbiz store.

Yes. We also have personal Account Managers to help you out with store setup.

No. You can setup your store without domain name and when you have a domain name you could point it to your web store and make your store live

For security reasons, an SSL certificate is required to process credit card orders. For your convenience, we offer high-security, affordable SSLs for free.

No. We don't charge any transaction fee

Yes. We offer a free, 20 day trial of our shopping cart software, no commitment or credit card required. Simply sign up to get started.

Yes. When you purchase more than one store with us, you’ll save 20% on each additional store.

Yes. Your sensitive data is crucial, which is why we continuously invest to exceed industry security standards.

Yes, we do provide E-Commerce site, android and IOS app for your online store.

Yes, our experts will understand our business and we customize our core product to suit your business requirements.

Yes. you can pay one time, for the system and skip monthly and annual plan.

No. We don’t store customers' credit card details

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